Since Austria became a member state of the European Union it has gained closer ties to other European Union economies, reducing its economic dependence on Germany. 自从奥地利成为欧盟的成员国,它和欧盟其他国家经济联系更加紧密,减少了对德国经济的依赖。
WHO stands ready to support any Member State requesting our guidance in the areas of policy development, capacity building, and technical assistance. 世卫组织做好了准备,向任何要求我们在政策制定、能力建设和技术支持方面提供指导的会员国提供支持。
Libya is not an ICC member state and is therefore not obliged to arrest the court's suspects. 利比亚不是国际刑事法院的成员,因而没有逮捕法庭嫌犯的义务。
Meeting of all the member of the united nation to discuss international problem, where each member state have one vote. 所有联合国成员开会讨论国际问题,在此大会上每个成员国有表决权。
But each member state will decorate the other side featuring something linked to the country of origin. 但是每个成员国都会有另一面以与这个国家相联系的标记做装饰。
A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of for and methods. 指令中对提及的个成员国规定将要达到的结果将具有法律约束力,但是各国官方将有权选择达到目标的形式和方法。
No other member state has backed Britain. 其它欧盟成员国没有一个站在英国这边。
But a serious limitation of their application in the eurozone is that the IMF principles examine a member state in isolation, ignoring contagion effects on other states. 但将其应用于欧元区的一个严重局限性在于,imf原则是单独对成员国进行考察的,忽视了危机向其它成员国蔓延的影响。
They interest every Member State – hence the need for a health agency such as this one. 它们吸引着每一个会员国–因此必须有一个像我们这样的卫生机构。
China is a BIE member state. 中国是国际展览局的成员国。
The only internationally recognized state that is not a member state is the Holy See. 唯一一个国际承认的非成员国家是教廷梵蒂冈。
Namibia was also a member state of regional and international organizations in the sub region and was currently involved in multilateral and bilateral negotiations, to which it needed some capacity. 在次区域,纳米比亚还是区域和国际组织的成员国,目前正在参与多边和双边谈判,对此它需要具备某些能力。
Within the territory of a Member State permitting such use and in accordance with its national requirements. 在允许使用的成员国境内,并符合该国法规要求;
Since 1974, China has been elected five times as a member state in the UN Commission on the Status of Women. 中国自1974年以来先后五次当选为联合国妇女地位委员会成员国。
If this proposed limit is exceeded, it should trigger an emergency and temporary procedure where the member state would need its budget and borrowing plans to be approved by the EU Council before they are enacted. 如果某个成员国超过该建议限值,应触发一道紧急、临时性程序,该成员国的预算和借款方案需经欧盟理事会(eucouncil)批准后,方可付诸实施。
The Security Council can restore the rights of a suspended Member State. 安全理事会可恢复会员国被中止的权利。
Once a member state has transposed the directive into its own laws it is obliged to notify the commission and prove conformity. 一旦成员国将指令变为国内法时,其必须通知委员会并证明一致性。
Each Member State shall appoint, for a three-year term which may be renewed, one member and one alternate to the Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products. 每个成员国应向草药产品委员会任命一名成员和一名替补成员,任期3年,可连任。
EFTA is an abbreviation for the European Free Trade Association of which Iceland is a Member State. EFTA是欧洲自由贸易协会的简称,冰岛为其成员国。
This question has to be asked again and again by every Member State and international organization. 每一个会员国和国际组织必须反复地提出这一问题。
No WHO Member State has completely opted out, and only a very small number made reservations. 没有世卫组织会员国完全退出,只有极少数国家提出保留。
China has been a member state of the successive UN Environment Program Governing Council and fruitful cooperation has been carried out between China and the unep. 中国是历届联合国环境署的理事国,与联合国环境署进行了卓有成效的合作。
First, each member state must put its own fiscal house in order. 首先,各欧盟成员国必须整顿好本国的财政状况。
Ultimately, the spreads are reliant on the fiscal policy and domestic politics of each member state. 归根结底,息差取决于各成员国的财政政策和国内政治状况。
Each member state undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties. 各会员国承诺尊重秘书长和工作人员所负责任的纯粹的国际性质,并不企图在他们履行责任中施加影响。
Roll call is the first order of business in a Model UN committee, during which the Rapporteur reads aloud the names of each member state in the committee. 点名是模联委员会的第一个程序,其间会务报告人会大声读出委员会中每一个成员国的名称。
We have, collectively, to do more work and we more determined than ever to continue with this exercise until the conditions in the Security Council are ripe for Palestine to become a member state. 我们必须做更多的努力,我们必须比以往任何时候都更加坚定地继续这一努力,直到安理会接纳巴勒斯坦成为正式成员国的条件成熟为止。
Nor am I urging that the UK or any other member state should leave the EU. 我也不是在敦促英国或者任何其他任何成员国退出欧盟。